I’ve been keeping a little secret… I’m pregnant! Baby Kiley is due to arrive this November. I’m currently 14 weeks pregnant and feeling so excited and grateful. Keep reading to hear how I found out and how my first trimester has gone!
My sister and I recorded a pop-up episode of our podcast to chat about how I found out, my first trimester, and more – Listen Here!
I found out at the end of February and got to surprise Max with a pregnancy test inside of a crumbl cookie box. He was very surprised and it was so fun to celebrate just the two of us… for a couple hours. That night, we invited over my sister and brother-in-law for dinner and got to tell them too! Over the last several weeks we have gotten to share the news with our family and friends and its been SO much fun!
I was definitely very nervous throughout the pregnancy up until about 12 weeks. I felt very aware of the possibility of something going wrong and had to focus on staying positive throughout. We’ve now seen baby twice on ultrasound and that definitely makes me feel more comfortable, even though I’m very aware that tragedy can strike at any time. If you aren’t familiar, my little brother passed away very unexpectedly at 21 so I know how fragile life really is. That being said, I’ve done my best to focus my mind on the here and now and celebrate this little life as much as possible.
On that same note, I wanted to mention that I’m incredibly grateful for how simple and quite short the trying to conceive process was for us. I was very worried, like lots of women, that we would have fertility issues and I’m grateful that we have not faced those. Even in the short 5 months we were “trying” I definitely felt disappointment every time my period would come – the experience is truly very all-encompassing! If you are currently going through a challenging fertility season, I just want to say I’m thinking of you and praying you get a positive test soon.
The first trimester hasn’t been too challenging for me and for that I am very grateful! I have lots of friends who have faced really rough periods of nausea and I feel lucky that I was mostly spared. I felt light nausea from about week 7/8 until about 10 and then my real symptom began… exhaustion! I’ve always heard people say that there is no tired like pregnancy tired (I guess until newborn tired!) and they are right! I’m not a napper and now I pretty much have to take a nap every afternoon. So far it hasn’t really gotten any better but I’m hoping soon the fog will lift a bit.
Otherwise, I’m craving fruit and french fries mostly. I’ve been very uninterested in eating salads (not entirely unusual for me ) I’ve been dressing mostly comfy which is why I haven’t shared much outfit of the day content. I’m very grateful that both of the dresses in the Carla Kiley Collection are quite bump friendly so I’ll get to wear them all summer. So far my body is mostly the same and I can wear all of my normal clothes but I’m starting to feel like my stomach feels different. I’m excited to see how my body changes and have been feeling quite confident so far – hope that continues!
I’m so thrilled to share because I feel like I’ve been keeping so much a secret from you guys the last couple weeks. I’ve filmed a bunch of reactions and update videos that I’ll be sharing over the next week or so over on TikTok and Instagram so be sure to follow along over there.
It’s a big year around here with this babe and the dress line launching so I just wanted to quickly say thank you for being here! I am so incredibly grateful for all the blessings this year and that I get to share them with you!