Three. Years! I can’t believe it’s already been three years since I started Carla Elizabeth Studio. Since then, I’ve traveled to dozens of venues and captured the wedding day for some of the most incredible couples. To celebrate, I thought I would share some of my favorite moments in business from the last few years!
Going full time as a videographer! A few months ago I quit my 9-5 job to run CES and Sister Social full time. I’ve dreamed about being an entrepreneur full time for years so to finally be able to make the move has been so fulfilling. You can see more about this in our first vlog episode here.
Bringing Max on as my second shooter! At the beginning of the 2017 fall season, I taught my then-boyfriend, now-fiance, Max how to be a videographer so we could shoot together. He is so so hard working and assists me by filming the groom and groomsmen and getting a second angle during all parts of the wedding. He’s also my go-to guy for all things audio.
Working with Emily! We have been so lucky to be able to bridge our passions to work together. Wether on wedding days or with our new business Sister Social, I count myself so lucky to get to work with my sister.
Focusing in on what’s important. I’d like to do a whole blog post about my feelings around weddings and how they have changed over the past year. Since my little brother passed away, I’ve found myself focusing more and more on the people of your wedding, not on the stuff. Sure, videos of the dress, flowers, and invitations can be nice, but footage of your grandmother giving you a hug, or your cousin who came in from out of town are the real reason for celebration. I can’t wait to incorporate more and more family and friends into my wedding films.
The people I’ve met! I feel so grateful for all the people I’ve had the pleasure to work with over the past few years. I really do have the worlds best couples (and families!) I feel so lucky to still be in touch with all of my brides and grooms and get to see how their marriage blossoms post-wedding.
Thank you thank you thank you for three incredible years! I can’t wait to see what year four brings!